Sofie Folkesson
Administration and Sponsorships, Based in Sweden
My main drive within our organization is to fight for desegregation and gender equality – two issues to which I personally am very committed. My biggest hope is that we can hand over a happier, less patriarchal and more sustainable world to the next generation. I hope that you’re with us!
Marietta Marroquín
Program Director, Based in Guatemala
As a Program Director, I integrate my background in Biology and Sustainability with my passion for Education, Art and Mindfulness, to create spaces that promote a regenerative life-style based in inner peace and empathy, to work towards a bio-diverse future.
Using art, self-expression and the bliss of life, to make conservation cool and empower young women and men to “be the change they want to be in the world”. Are you ready to join us?
Sabina Nordén
Administration and Sponsorships, Based in Sweden
In 2015, I founded an NGO together with Sofie with the aim of contributing to more accessible education in rural communities in Guatemala. Two years later, we decided to merge with Marietta’s NGO, and we created ECOespiral focusing more on climate mitigation which is a true interest of mine. I have a background within environmental engineering, and I am happy to contribute with this experience to our projects.