Private Donations

You can make a change for a lot of people with little means by making a one-time or monthly donation to our bank account. We appreciate all amounts, small as big, and we are really thankful for your support.

Swedish donations:

Plusgiro: 76 21 72-5
Swish: 0703442243 (Mark the payment with ECOespiral)

International donations:

Name of account: Engineering for Mayan Students
Clearing number: 9960
Bank account number: 9960 1807621725
IBAN: SE41 9500 0099 6018 0762 1725

As a monthly donor, you will receive a video update, giving you information about our projects, two times a year.

If you don’t have PayPal, you can still sign up to become a monthly donor through the form below and we will contact you for further instructions.